Addeo F., Punziano G., Mauceri S. (2022) "The Impact of Digital on Research, Socialisation, and Communication Processes
" Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 14(3), 1-16. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2022-3-1
Felice Addeo
Addeo F., Masullo G., Ruopolo A., Delli Paoli A. (2021) "Learning with ICTs at Primary Level: Teachers’ and Pupils’ Perceptions
" Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 13(3), 21-44. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2021-3-2
Salzano D., Addeo F., Napoli A., Esposito M. (2017) "Paideia Between Online and Offline: A Netnographic Research on Fan Fiction Communities
" Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 9(3), 207-235. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2017-3-9