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- Pandolfini V., Poli S. (2015) "Education as a Capability for Young Adults’ Life Trajectories: Some Evidence from an Italian Case Study " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 7(2), 43-69. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2015-2-3
- Zenarolla A. (2013) "Education as a strategy to combat poverty. The microcredit, the accompanying and the family budget, the most suitable instruments to deal with the new poverties " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 5(1), 36-57. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2013-1-3
- O’Reilly B. (2012) "Education Policy in Ireland since the 1940s " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 4(1), 238-273. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2012-1-10
- McGuinness S. J. (2012) "Education Policy in Northern Ireland: a Review " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 4(1), 205-237. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2012-1-9
- Majoka M. I., Khan M. I. (2017) "Education Policy Provisions and Objectives. A Review of Pakistani Education Policies " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 9(2), 104-125. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2017-2-6
- Battilocchi G. L. (2018) "Education, Occupation and Social Origin " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 10(2), 211-217. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2018-2-13
- Merico M., Roberti G. (2016) "Educational and Professional Trajectories of Knowledge Workers: By Way of Introduction " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 8(3), 1-8. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2016-3-1
- Ottaviano C., Persico G. (2019) "Educational Care: Male Teachers in Early Childhood Education " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(1), 141-161. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2019-1-7
- Colombo M. (2011) "Educational choices in action: young Italians as reflexive agents and the role of significant adults " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 3(1), 14-48. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2011-1-2
- Catarsi C. (2009) "Educational credentials:”intangible” and functional " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 1(1), 71-84. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2009-1-6
- Sebastião J., Campos J., Merlini S., Chambino M. (2013) "Educational policies, territories and actors strategies " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 5(2), 110-132. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2013-2-5
- Imam H. (2012) "Educational Policy in Nigeria from the Colonial Era to the Post-Independence Period " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 4(1), 181-204. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2012-1-8
- Melchior C. (2023) "Elderly People and the Barriers to Digital Education " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 15(2), 37-53. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2023-2-3
- Sicora A. (2022) "Emotions in Social Work Education: Tools and Opportunities " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 14(1), 151-168. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2022-1-9
- Gamuzza A., Leonora A., Mavica G., Scieri A. (2023) "Empowering the Relationship Between Teachers, Students, and Families to Build Resilience Against Racism, Hate Speech and (Cyber-)Bullying: a Case in Italy " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 15(3), 73-96. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2023-3-4
- Angelle P. S. (2017) "Equal Educational Opportunity and Accountability. A Review of U.S. Educational Policy since World War II " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 9(2), 126-153. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2017-2-7
- Dibou T. (2015) "Estonian experience of implementing the new forms of youth participation in youth policy " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 7(1), 176-206. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2015-1-8
- Virdia S. (2018) "Ethnic Peer Pressure or School Inequalities? Ethnic Concentration and Performance in Upper-Secondary Schools " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 10(2), 155-180. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2018-2-10
- Guarino F. (2011) "European adolescents awareness from energy supply to life perspectives " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 3(3), 121-146. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2011-3-7
- Morciano D. (2015) "Evaluating outcomes and mechanisms of non-formal education in youth centres " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 7(1), 67-96. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2015-1-4
- Harrison K., McNamara G., O’Hara J. (2020) "Evaluating the Level of Student and Teacher Involvement in Second-Level School Processes and Participation in Decision Making: an Irish Case Study " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 12(1), 102-121. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2020-1-7
- Diana P., Catone M. C. (2019) "Expansion and Reconfiguration of the Action of the University Teacher in Relation to ICT: a Qualitative Analysis " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(1), 20-45. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2019-1-2
- Gili G. (2013) "Expertise, justice, reciprocity: the three roots of teachers’ credibility " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 5(1), 1-18. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2013-1-1
- Konings R., Mosaico M. (2020) "Explaining Differences in Perceived Threat: Why Education Matters " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 12(2), 101-121. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2020-2-5
- Capogna S., De Angelis M. C., Musella F. (2018) "Exploratory Investigation about the Use of ICT in the School. From Latent Dimension Analysis to Clusters " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 10(2), 24-40. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2018-2-3
- Addeo F., D’Auria V., Esposito V., Perrone R., Bottoni G. (2023) "Exploring New Digital Addictions: Developing a WhatsApp Addiction Index " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 15(2), 95-121. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2023-2-6
- Pandolfini V. (2016) "Exploring the Impact of ICTs in Education: Controversies and Challenges " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 8(2), 28-53. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2016-2-3
- De Gioannis E. (2024) "Exposing students to professionals working in male- and female-dominated sectors: Effects of an online experiment on Italian high-school students " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 16(1), 1-23. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2024-1-1
- Crespi I., Hendry B., Fermani A., Hellsten L. M. (2021) "Extending the Current Theorization on Cyberbullying: Importance of Including Socio-Psychological Perspectives " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 13(3), 85-110. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2021-3-5
- Baraldi C. (2019) "Facilitating the Construction of Cultural Diversity in Classroom Interactions " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(1), 259-284. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2019-1-13
- Boccacin L. (2013) "Families’ Needs and Social Partnerships: Networking Processes and Outcomes " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 5(3), 5-18. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2013-3-2
- Gasperoni G. (2020) "Far from the Ivory Tower? Italian Academics’ and Higher Education Institutions’ Societal Impact and Contributions to Economic Development " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 12(1), 347-352. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2020-1-18
- Rinaldi E., Todesco L. (2012) "Financial Literacy and Money Attitudes: Do Boys and Girls Really Differ? A Study among Italian Preadolescents " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 4(2), 143-165. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2012-2-9
- Martignani L. (2020) "For a Better Understanding of Social Complexity: Maccarini on Critical Realism " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 12(1), 353-357. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2020-1-19
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- Morciano D., Polito A. (2023) "For a Sociology of Defences Against Emotions at School: Work Discussion Groups as an Action-Research Method " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 15(1), 111-118. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2023-1-5
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- Scanagatta S. (2009) "Foreword " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 1(1), 1-3. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2009-1-1
- Carrà E. (2013) "Frail Lives. Risk and vulnerability: educational practices and social interventions " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 5(3), 1-4. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2013-3-1
- Pandolfini V., Poli S., Torrigiani C. (2020) "Frailty and Its Social Predictors Among Older People: Some Empirical Evidences and a Lesson From Covid-19 for Revising Public Health and Social Policies " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 12(3), 151-176. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2020-3-8
- Zabeli N., Perolli-Shehu B., Gjelaj M. (2020) "From Segregation to Inclusion: the Case of Kosovo " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 12(2), 201-225. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2020-2-9
- Roussou E. (2015) "From Socialization to Individualization: A New Challenge for Portuguese Religiosity " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 7(3), 89-112. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2015-3-4
- Farini F. (2019) "From the Child to the Pupil to the Child. Trust Based on Categorical Inequalities and the Quest for Alternatives Towards a More Inclusive Education " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(3), 246-264. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2019-3-14
- Colombo M. (2012) "From the side of the children. The challenge of childhood studies to sociology of education " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 4(3), 138-144. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2012-3-7
- Mongelli A. (2019) "From “making the difference” to “making the differences”. The perception of violence against women among young people " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(3), 342-369. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2019-3-19
- Üzümcü H. E. (2021) "Gated Trajectories in Children’s Leisure Time and Space in Turkey: a Relational Reading of the Parents’ Accounts of Supervision " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 13(2), 241-260. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2021-2-11
- Segatto B., Dal Ben A. (2019) "Gender and Affectivity Awareness in Kindergarten: An Educational Pathway for Boys, Girls and Their Teachers " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(1), 184-204. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2019-1-9
- Salmieri L., Rinaldi E. E., Vera J. (2022) "Gender Difference in Financial Literacy and Socialization: Comparing Italy to Spain " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 14(2), 121-149. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2022-2-7
- Di Tullio I. (2019) "Gender Equality in STEM: Exploring Self-Efficacy Through Gender Awareness " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(3), 226-245. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2019-3-13
- Guizzardi L. (2022) "Gender, Sex and Sexuality: Education and Socialization Paths. Introduction to the Special Section " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 14(2), 1-6. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2022-2-1
- Capecchi S., Gius C. (2023) "Gender-based Violence Representation in the Italian Media: Reviewing Changes in Public Narrations from Femicide to “Revenge Pornography” " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 15(1), 81-100. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2023-1-4
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- Grimaldi E. (2011) "Governance and Heterachy in Education. Enacting networks for school innovation " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 3(2), 114-150. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2011-2-7
- Serpieri R., Grimaldi E. (2009) "Governance, School Networks and Democratic Discourse. Issues of Equity and Diversity " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 1(3), 94-115. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2009-3-6
- Zenarolla A. (2023) "Governance: an Essential Lever for Innovating Home Care services for the Elderly Through Co-Production. First Insights from the Evaluation of Three Years of Experimentation in Friuli Venezia Giulia " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 15(2), 169-184. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2023-2-9
- Licursi S. (2018) "Graduation After Time and Peer Tutoring " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 10(2), 90-109. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2018-2-7
- Calcaterra V., Panciroli C., Sala M. (2022) "Group and Community Work in Practice: Students Learning from Experts-by- Experience " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 14(1), 113-131. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2022-1-7
- Pitzalis M. (2009) "Hamsters on a wheel? Conflict over the role of School Teachers in the primary education state school model " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 1(3), 116-135. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2009-3-7
- Masoni I., Villa M. (2021) "Hard Pathways Towards Autonomy and Adulthood. Understanding Youth Transition Patterns in an Italian Fragile Area " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 13(2), 65-98. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2021-2-4
- Favretto A. R., Zaltron F. (2014) "Health in everyday life. The competences and autonomy of children and adolescents in treatment practices " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 6(3), 219-243. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2014-3-10
- Clemente C., García-Pereiro T. (2020) "Health Promotion During the Life Course. Lifestyle Determinants of Self-Declared Health Status in Some European Countries " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 12(3), 11-39. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2020-3-2
- Merico M., Cersosimo G. (2020) "Health Promotion Through the Life Course: Introductory Notes " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 12(3), 1-10. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2020-3-1
- Chessa S. (2012) "Higher Education and Internationalization: students’ mobility and participatory university for the Euro-Mediterranean Area " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 4(2), 60-85. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2012-2-5
- Villar-Aguilés A., Dobon F. (2023) "Higher Education Expenditure in Europe. Exploring Evidence of Inequality and Free-Rider Problem " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 15(3), 199-218. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2023-3-9
- Emira M. (2014) "Higher education in Egypt since World War II: development and challenges " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 6(2), 8-35. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2014-2-2
- Daher L. M., Leonora A. M., Gamuzza A. (2019) "Holistic In-between Triangulation: Understanding Intercultural Relationships and Social Inclusion at School " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(1), 285-309. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2019-1-14
- Di Motoli P. (2019) "Homeschoolers in Italy " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(2), 395-410. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2019-2-19
- Casavecchia A. (2020) "Humanization of Care and Culture of Welcome. The Bambino Gesù Children Hospital: a Case of Study " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 12(3), 131-150. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2020-3-7
- Borrelli D., Gavrila M., Siciliano S. (2016) "Identity, Values and Educational Needs of Digital Media Workers. The Lecce European Capital of Culture 2019 Project " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 8(3), 76-97. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2016-3-5
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- Licursi S., Chimenti S. (2019) "If the Work is Doing Research? As Building School-Work Alternance Paths in the University: Reflections From a Case Study " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(1), 46-68. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2019-1-3
- Ravecca A. (2010) "Immigrant children school experience: how gender influences social capital formation and fruition? " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2(1), 49-74. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2010-1-3
- Perino M., Allasino E. (2014) "Immigrant families interactions with schools. Some evidence from an Italian research " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 6(2), 256-279. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2014-2-11
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- Lazzer G. P. (2014) "Immigrants’ monetary bank practices. A socialization trajectory " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 6(3), 153-183. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2014-3-8
- Fiore B. (2015) "Improving excellence in schools: Evidence from the Italian OECD-PISA 2012 data " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 7(2), 126-156. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2015-2-6
- Giovannini G. (2009) "In bounds/out of bounds " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 1(1), 143-147. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2009-1-11
- Memoli R., Sannella A. (2017) "Inclusion: The Principle of Responsibility and Relational Reciprocity " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 9(2), 154-169. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2017-2-8
- Barabanti P. (2018) "Inequalities in the Swiss School System " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 10(3), 300-304. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2018-3-15
- Calvo S., Castelli L., Marcionetti J., Crescentini A., Cattaneo A. (2015) "Inequality in Canton Ticino's school system: between conservation and (some) openings " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 7(2), 186-224. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2015-2-8
- Scarcelli C. M., Piccioni T., Stella R. (2020) "Inexperienced, Addicted, at Risk. How Young People Describe Their Parents’ Use of Digital Media " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 12(1), 270-292. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2020-1-15
- Belotti C. (2018) "Innovating School Through ITC: a Pilot Experience in Sardinia " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 10(3), 305-309. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2018-3-16
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- Diana P., Catone M. C. (2018) "Innovations in Teaching Social Research Methods At The University in The Digital Era: An Italian Case Study " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 10(1), 128-165. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2018-1-7
- Cortoni I., Lo Presti V. (2018) "Innovative Teaching and Digital Literacy in Preschool. App Content Analysis and Experimental Case Studies in a Sociological Perspective " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 10(2), 41-56. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2018-2-4
- Seif A. (2019) "Integration of Higher Order Thinking Skills into the Arab Education System in Israel: a General Perspective " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(3), 304-326. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2019-3-17
- Kakos M., Palaiologou N. (2014) "Intercultural Citizenship Education in Greece: Us and Them " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 6(2), 69-87. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2014-2-4
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- Caneva E. (2012) "Interculturalism in the classroom. The strengths and limitations of teachers in managing relations with children and parents of foreign origin. " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 4(3), 34-58. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2012-3-2
- Nagy A., Nothdurfter U. (2022) "Internationalization “At Home”: Fostering Inter- and Transnational Perspectives in the Social Work Curriculum " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 14(1), 7-27. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2022-1-2
- Ferrari L., Rosnati R. (2013) "Internationally Adopted Adolescents: How Do They Integrate Ethnic and National Identity? " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 5(3), 45-61. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2013-3-4
- Santagati M., Colombo M. (2010) "Interpreting social inclusion of young immigrants in Italy " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2(1), 9-48. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2010-1-2
- Serpieri R. (2014) "Interview with Helen M. Gunter " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 6(2), 293-306. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2014-2-13
- Serpieri R., Grimaldi E. (2014) "Interview with Stephen J. Ball " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 6(1), 88-103. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2014-1-5
- Vuoso U. (2019) "Intimate Islands. A Return to the Island as the Rediscovery of Identity " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(2), 351-359. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2019-2-16
- Colombo M. (2011) "Introduction " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 3(1), 1-13. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2011-1-1
- Catarsi C. (2010) "Introduction " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2(3), 1-9. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2010-3-1
- Triventi M., Barone C. (2010) "Introduction " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2(2), 3-15. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2010-2-1
- Queirolo Palmas L., Giovannini G. (2010) "Introduction " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2(1), 3-8. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2010-1-1
- Chessa S., Ghibellini V., Reale E., Vargiu A. (2024) "Introduction to the special issue on Changing values and value of universities and research " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 16(2), 1-18. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2024-2-1
- Bertozzi R., Santagati M., Beltrán Llavador J., Villar Aguilés A. (2019) "Introduction to the Special Section. At the Margins: Challenges for Sociologists of Education in Southern Europe " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(3), 1-15. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2019-3-1
- Maccarini A. M. (2016) "Introduction to the Special Section. Character and Citizenship: Towards an Emerging ‘Strong Program’? " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 8(1), 1-5. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2016-1-1
- Diasio N., Pawlowska A. (2017) "Introduction to the Special Section. Clean/Unclean Bodies: Childhood, Parenthood, and Society " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 9(3), 1-20. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2017-3-1
- Serpieri R., Argentin G., Viteritti A. (2019) "Introduction to the Special Section. Educational Professions: New Challenges and Changes " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(1), 1-19. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2019-1-1
- Taysum A. (2017) "Introduction to the Special Section. External Influences on Education Systems and Education System Leadership " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 9(2), 1-8. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2017-2-1
- Landri P., Parisi S., Rinaldi E. E., Stazio M. (2018) "Introduction to the Special Section. Making Education through Culture, Making Culture through Education " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 10(2), 1-8. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2018-2-1
- Giancola O., Visentin M., France A., Maestripieri L. (2021) "Introduction to the Special Section. Mastering Youth Transitions: Italy as a Case for the Contemporary Complexities " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 13(2), 1-14. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2021-2-1
- Gui M., Murru M. F., Scarcelli C. M. (2017) "Introduction to the Special Section. Media Literacy for Social Inclusion and Personal Well-Being " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 9(1), 1-5. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2017-1-1
- Colombo M. (2016) "Introduction to the Special Section. The Digitalization of Educational Practices: How Much and What Kind? " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 8(2), 1-10. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2016-2-1
- Bergamaschi A., Blaya C. (2018) "Introduction to the Special Section. Two Educational Systems, Two Societies, Two Social Philosophies " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 10(3), 1-8. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2018-3-1
- Pandolfini V., Palumbo M. (2015) "Introduction to the Special Section: Educational Paths, Social Inequalities and Life Trajectories " Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 7(2), 1-17. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-IJSE-2015-2-1
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